Assalomu alaykum aziz do'stlar!

AMIR TEMUR bobomizning tug'ulgan kuni qutlug' bo'lsin !

AMIR TEMUR was born on April 9, 1336, near Samarkand, in Khoja Ilgar village. His father- Emir Taragay Barlas, a ruler of Kesh valley, came from the noble family and was a powerful person in ancient state of Maveraunnakhr.

At his early age Timur distinguished himself from his peers as being brave, and of great intellect. He had a truly eastern slyness. All these skills (qualities) played an important role for him to become a great army leader and ruler.

Timur was proclaimed as a supreme Emir of Turan at the kurultay (meeting) in Balkh in 1370. After integrating and subduing the lands between the Amudarya and Syrdary rivers as well as the territories of Fergana ad Shash, Timur began to expand the borders of his future empire.

He chose Samarkand a capital of his big empire and proceeded to erect defensive walls, citadels and splendid palace. He erected new Samarkand with its gardens, palaces and mausoleums with mosques, not far from the ruins of the ancient capital of Sogdiana. At the same time the other ancient cities like Kesh, Bukhara,Termez, Tashkent, Merv and others, destroyed earlier by the hordes of Chingizkhan,     began to be improved.

Amir Temur’s reign lasted 35 years (1370-1405). The most part of his life he spent in military campaigns. He established a big empire from Indochina to Siberia and from Tyan Shan to Bosporus.

The countries conquered by Temur were the territories of present-day Iran, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and then he invaded India, where he achieved even more success than Alexander the Great and Chingizkhan at their time. Then he turned his army towards the West again where he conquered the Damascus and crushed the troops of Egyptian sultans, the Mamelyuks. The further campaign of Temur was also crowned with success and victory over another Turkish conqueror, Sultan Bayazed, known as “Thunderer”, whose empire stretched to the walls of Vienna.

At the end of the XIV century people living on the territories from Asia to Europe were really perturbed by the conquests of Temur, who was known in the West as Tamerlane (“Iron lame”). There was no any conqueror who could override such a considerable part of the world, except him.

Being a brave and tireless military leader he, however, remained a very religious and had a profound respect for his spiritual teachers and was always ready to change his military plans upon their advice.

The relation he had with his spiritual teacher, Said Baraka, who was a student of Bakhauddin Nakshbandi (founder of Sufi order of Nakshbandi) is a bright example of his high respect and esteem.

Establishing a great state, Amir Temur created a good basis and opportunities for further economic and cultural development of his empire.

Each victory he had or important events in his life have been immortalized in the architecture of his cities.

Imperial palaces, mosques, madrassahs, mausoleums, trade complexes were built by his order. Amir Temur had certain objectives in terms of construction – erected buildings by him were to demonstrate the power and grandeur of his empire.

Besides, he patronized the art: architecture, calligraphy, painting and etc.

During his reign, Temur established trade and diplomatic relations with big European kingdoms: France, England, and Castile. One of his main services was the revival of the Great Silk Road and establishing free trade exchange between Europe and Asia.

Unfortunately, after Temur’s death, the trade- diplomatic relations with Western Europe didn’t get any further development. Amir Temur died in 1405, at age of 69 during his military campaign to China. His huge empire broke down and central region including Maveranakhr and Persia became in power of his family, but outlying territories which belonged to China, India, Turkey and Russia soon began to re-establish their independence. Sons and nephews of Temur fought with each other for the heritage and internal disagreement brought to the collapse of the Great Empire.

All historians have the same opinion that Temur was not only a brave state leader, but also very wise, noble, skilled and acute person.

Tags: Узбекистан Ташкент Бухара Шелковый путь Великий Шелковый Путь Амир Тимур Туризм Мирзо Улугбек Тарагай Барлас Иран Ирак Армения Азербайджан Грузия Индия Тамерлан Железный Хромец Франция Англия Кастилия Мавераннахр Персия Мамелюк Баязед Согдиана Кеш Термез Мерв





Universitet haqida
     "Kadrlar tayyorlash milliy dasturi" ning uchinchi bosqichida belgilangan vazifalarni bajarish maqsadida Qarshi davlat universitetida keng ko'lamli ishlar amalga oshirilmoqda. Mustaqillik ruhini talabalarga singdirish, ozodlik, vatanparvarlik kayfiyatini qaror toptirish o'tilayotgan har bir darsning asosiy maqsad darajasida bo'lishiga erishish yo'lida asosiy e'tibor qaratilgan. Ta'lim jarayonida Davlat ta'lim standartlarining joriy etilishi, yuqori malakali, raqobatbardosh kadrlarni tayyorlashi, reyting tizimining o'quv jarayoni asosini tashkil etishi, darsliklar, o'quv adabiyotlari, ma'ruza matnlari bilan ta'minlanishning talab darajasida bo'lishiga erishish yaxshi natijalar beryapti. Zamonaviy pedagogik texnologiyalar va axborot texnologiyalarini joriy etilishiga qat'iyat bilan amal qilinmoqda.
1956 yildan Qarshi Davlat pedagogika instituti sifatida faoliyat ko'rsatgan oliygohga O'zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining 1992 yil 11 mart farmoni bilan Qarshi davlat universiteti maqomi berilgan. Hozirgi kunda kunduzgi bo'limda 30 ta, maxsus sirtqi bo'limda 6 ta bakalavr ta'lim yo'nalishlar bo'yicha kadrlar tayyorlanadi.
    Universitetda talabalarning umumiy kontingenti 7846 nafar bo'lib, shundan 6574 nafari kunduzgi bo'limida (shundan 4185 nafari qizlar), 1272 nafari maxsus sirtqi bo'limda ta'lim olmoqda. Universitetning kunduzgi bo'limida 295 ta akademik guruh mavjud bo'lib 7 millat vakillari tahsil olib kelmoqdalar. Universitet tarkibida 8 ta fakultet, 37 ta kafedrada 548 nafar professor-o'qituvchi faoliyat ko'rsatib kelmoqda. Shundan 20 nafari fan doktori, professorlar, 196 nafarini fan nomzodlari, dotsentlar tashkil etadi. Shu bilan bir qatorda o'rindoshlik sifatida yetuk tajribali professor - o'qituvchilar markaziy oliy o'quv yurtlaridan taklif etilgan. Universitetda o'quv jarayoni Davlat ta'lim standartlari asosida, davr talabiga mos holda olib borilmoqda.

    Universitet tarkibida akademik litsey, biznes maktabi va gimnaziya faoliyat ko'rsatadi. Shu bilan bir qatorda "Axborot resurs markazi", "Axborot texnologiyalari va masofaviy ta'lim", "noshirlik", "Viloyat mintaqaviy til o'rganish", "Nasaf va Kesh", "Kurash", "Sog'lomlashtirish", "Tikuvchilik" markazlari tashkil etilgan.

    O'quv jarayonini Davlat ta'lim standartlari talab darajasida olib borish maqsadida 51 dan ortiq o'quv laboratoriyalari, ustaxonalar, tajriba ishlab chiqarish maydonlari tashkil etilgan.

    Universitet bo'yicha 231 nafar iqtidorli talabalar tanlab olinib, o'quv yili davomida "Mutaxassislik", "Kompyuter savodxonligi" va "Xorijiy tillar" dan qo'shimcha darslar tashkil qilinib jadval asosida muntazam mashg'ulotlar olib boriladi.

    Universitetimiz maktablarga o'quv-uslubiy yordam berish maqsadida viloyatning turli hududlarida joylashgan 18 ta "Tajriba - tayanch" maktablarini tashkil etdi. Mutaxassis chiqaruvchi kafedralarning aksariyati akademik litsey, kasb-hunar kollejlari bilan yaqin aloqada bo'lish maqsadida kefedralarning filiallarini tashkil etgan.

    Hozirgi kunda universitetimiz O'zbekiston milliy universiteti, Toshkent Davlat pedagogika universiteti, Toshkent yuridik instituti, Guliston Davlat universiteti, Andijon xalq xo'jaligi instituti, Farg'ona Davlat universiteti, Nukus Davlat universiteti va Qarsh muhandislik iqtisodiyot institutlari bilan hamda xalqaro miqyosda Angliyaning Shimoliy London universiteti va Fillandiyaning Oulu universitetlari bilan videokonferensiyalar

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